Torque batch script example
Torque batch script example

torque batch script example

Note that it displays your bank allocation and usage information also. To see which banks (accounts) are available to you on this cluster, simply issue the mshare command.

torque batch script example

  • What states are the nodes in (alloc, idle, etc.)?.
  • What are the batch queue node and time limits?.
  • How many nodes are there in each queue?.
  • news - where machine is the name of the cluster.
  • More details can be found in the SLURM web site.Review your cluster's batch configuration The command also has many options for parallel job running and can be used as sbatch for job requesting. Please refer to the sacct page for the reason.


    It is better for multiple-task jobs to use srun command instead of mpirun to launch a software application. By default, SLURM will use 1 core per task if -cpus-per-task (or -c) is not specified. (It is similar to number of nodes ( nodes=) used in #PBS job script.)Įach task could also use more than 1 core in shared memory (controlled by -cpus-per-task similar to ppn= in #PBS job script) and each node could run more than 1 task (controlled by -tasks-per-node).

    torque batch script example

    It has the same meaning as the number of processes ( -np) used in mpirun application.

    torque batch script example

    In the SLURM job options, the number of tasks ( -ntasks) is used for jobs running multiple tasks with distributed memory. For more choice of job specifications, please refer to the List of Job Specifications. If a specification used on command line conflicts with #SBATCH line in the job script, the job scheduler will use the specification on command line instead of #SBATCH line. After running the program, it outputs the job information and quits.īy default, SLURM will try to use the settings: -nodes=1, -tasks-per-node=1, -cpus-per-task=1, -time=00:01:00 and -mem-per-cpu=750 for each job if any of them can not be acquired from the job specifications.


    Then, change the directory to the path of the code and run the specified executable in 5 parallel tasks. After this job starts, it first loads two modules: GCC/6.4.0-2.28 and the default version of OpenMPI. The job script requests 10 minutes walltime, at least 1 at most 5 different nodes, total 5 parallel tasks (processes) in distributed memory, 2 cores per task for parallel threads in shared memory and 2 GB memory per core (total 2 GB * 5 tasks * 2 cpus-per-task = 20 GB) with job name "Name_of_Job". Js -j $SLURM_JOB_ID # write resource usage to SLURM output file (powertools command). Scontrol show job $SLURM_JOB_ID # write job information to SLURM output file. Module load GCC/6.4.0-2.28 OpenMPI # load necessary modules.Ĭd # change to the directory where your code is located. #SBATCH -job-name Name_of_Job # you can give your job a name for easier identification (same as -J) #SBATCH -mem-per-cpu=2G # memory required per allocated CPU (or core) - amount of memory (in bytes) #SBATCH -cpus-per-task=2 # number of CPUs (or cores) per task (same as -c) #SBATCH -ntasks=5 # number of tasks - how many tasks (nodes) that you require (same as -n) #SBATCH -nodes=1-5 # number of different nodes - could be an exact number or a range of nodes (same as -N) #SBATCH -time=00:10:00 # limit of wall clock time - how long the job will run (same as -t)

    Torque batch script example